Spinal Cord Injury

The cost of spinal cord injuries for Australians

The cost of spinal cord injuries for Australians

Spinal cord injury is an incapacitating condition that impacts the life of the injured individual in many ways. Proper functionality of most or all of the daily routines may be affected which can include not only life routines at home but also expand to include […]

A detailed look into spinal cord injury and the causes of spinal cord injury

A detailed look into spinal cord injury and the causes of spinal cord injury

The spinal cord is a bundle of nerves running from the base of an individual’s brain down through the spine in a person’s back. These nerves are responsible for communicating messages between the brain and other parts of the body. Nerves located in the upper […]

Rehabilitation services and equipment for spinal cord injury patients in Australia

Rehabilitation services and equipment for spinal cord injury patients in Australia

Spinal cord damage is considered long term and as such will need a variety of treatment options to assist patients through their different stages of recovery. Not everyone will suffer the same kind of spinal cord damage, which means that the rehabilitation treatment options will […]