Perfect – Pink Cover (AHMIR)

Perfect – Pink Cover (AHMIR)

130708 Perfect

This week’s cover comes from AHMIR who’ve done a fantastic and insightful cover of Pink’s song called ‘Perfect’. This particular cover goes into details about bullying- an experience that many children can experience if they are judged to be different. It can be an awful experience for Australians who have been bullied before because of their illness or disability. So this song, goes out to all those people who have felt or experienced bullying. We hope that you enjoy this cover and the meaning behind it.

Mistreated, misplaced, misunderstood
Miss “no way, it’s all good”,
It didn’t slow me down Mistaken,
Always second guessing
Under estimated,
Look, I’m still around
Pretty, pretty please Don’t you ever, ever feel
Like you’re less than perfect.