
Side effects of chemotherapy treatment for Australian patients with small cell lung cancer

Side effects of chemotherapy treatment for Australian patients with small cell lung cancer

Since chemotherapy is a drug based treatment, there are going to be certain side effects for patients. For small cell lung cancer patients, the treatment is typically administered for six to eight cycles and then discontinued to prevent any long term side effects. During the […]

Chemotherapy treatment for small cell lung cancer patients in Australia

Chemotherapy treatment for small cell lung cancer patients in Australia

Treatment Of Small Cell Lung Cancer With Chemotherapy The primary treatment practiced for treating small cell lung cancer is chemotherapy. Occasionally, radiotherapy may also be recommended in conjunction with chemotherapy for patients who have limited disease. The treatment of chemotherapy is initiated in small cell […]

Chemotherapy treatment for small cell lung cancer patients in Australia

Chemotherapy treatment for small cell lung cancer patients in Australia

Now a common and safe method to prevent the growth of cancer cells, radiotherapy is considered one of the most effective treatments after breast cancer surgery. A number pf patients will be recommended to receive this treatment to either prevent the recurrence of the disease […]