Prostate Cancer in Australia

Prostate Cancer in Australia

What Is Prostate Cancer?

Helpful Young Man

Prostate cancer is a form of cancer that affects men in Australia. It is the most common cancer for men and is described as an abnormal growth of cells in the prostate that form a lump or tumour. Without proper treatment, this cancer can spread rapidly to vital organs, particularly the bones and lymph nodes, which can be life threatening.

Why Is Prostate Cancer Important To Talk About?

Prostate cancer awareness is important as it enables Australians to discuss, learn and understand the detection, symptoms and treatment of a cancer that affects 1 in 9 men. Prostate cancer can sometimes be difficult to discuss as it can be embarrassing, awkward or make individuals feel dis-empowered as a man.

However, the statistics of Prostate Cancer in Australia are overwhelming and need to be spoken of in order to reduce the incidences of prostate cancer in Australia. These statistics provide an outline of the state of prostate cancer in Australia and shows us just how many Australians are being affected by the disease.

Each day about 32 men learn news that they have prostate cancer – tragically one man every three hours will lose his battle against this insidious disease.

-Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia

The number of cases of prostate cancer in Australia has increased and it is the number one form of cancer found in Australian men. According to Cancer Council, prostate cancer accounts for 30.2 percent of all new cancers found in men in 2009.

Prostate cancer affects 1 in 9 men in Australia. Of the men who have been diagnosed, 48 percent of them felt that they were not well informed about the disease, it’s symptoms or how to be tested for prostate cancer.

It is also important to talk about because over 3,300 men die of prostate cancer each year, which exceeds the number of women who die from breast cancer. There are a number of factors why there are more deaths related to prostate cancer than there are for breast cancer. One of the major reasons is lack of knowledge or awareness for men to read symptoms and ask for medical advice when needed.

What Are The Chances Of Getting Prostate Cancer?

According to Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia, the risk and chances of getting Prostate Cancer increases as you get older.

For a man in his 40s, it is 1 in 1000 chances

For a man in his 50s – it is 12 in 1000 chances

For a man in his 60s – it is 45 in 1000 chances

For a man in his 70s – it is 80 in 1000 chances

Remember to have regular checkups with your local general practitioner to ensure that you are in good health. These checkups should increase according to your age.

photo by: Tobyotter