59% of Ovarian Cancer Patients With Emotional Support Were Still Alive After 5 Years

59% of Ovarian Cancer Patients With Emotional Support Were Still Alive After 5 Years

Walk for Cancer - it's raining! The power of support from loved ones has been scientifically proven to be huge boost for women who have been fighting Ovarian Cancer. Women who feel emotionally supported from the time of diagnosis and throughout their treatment have had better odds of survival according to a large number of studies around the world.

Recently at the University of Iowa, a recent study has been published in the the Journal of Clinical Oncology entitled Social influences on clinical outcomes of patients with ovarian cancer, highlighting the positive benefits of emotional support from family and friends for Ovarian cancer patients. It is stated that there is a relationship between the amount of social support with disease-related biomarkers in patients with ovarian cancer.

The recent study revealed that “59% of women with ovarian cancer who had close emotional connections with friends and family were still alive after 5 years compared to 38% of women with less emotional bonds.”

Although there are other factors to consider such as depression, age and the stage of Ovarian cancer, the odds of survival were tremendously better when emotional support was evident.

Women who may not have support from family and friends are still about to gain the benefits of emotional support through seeking help from social workers, counselors and support groups and networks that may be available.

photo by: miamism