59% of Ovarian Cancer Patients With Emotional Support Were Still Alive After 5 Years

59% of Ovarian Cancer Patients With Emotional Support Were Still Alive After 5 Years

The power of support from loved ones has been scientifically proven to be huge boost for women who have been fighting Ovarian Cancer. Women who feel emotionally supported from the time of diagnosis and throughout their treatment have had better odds of survival according to […]

How Crowdfunding can Help Cover Medical Expenses

How Crowdfunding can Help Cover Medical Expenses

What Is Crowdfunding? In order to understand how crowdfunding can help cover your medical expenses, it is important to firstly understand what the term means. The term ‘crowdfunding’ is a new form of fundraising online that has helped many Australians gain funding for an idea […]

Australian’s Carry Economic Burden of Stroke of $2.2 billion in 2012

Australian’s Carry Economic Burden of Stroke of $2.2 billion in 2012

“In 2012 there were nearly 50,000 strokes in Australia – almost 1000 every week.” The increasing number of stroke victims in Australia has amounted to an overwhelming financial burden not only on the Australian government but on individual Australian’s who are struggling to pay for […]

Autism in Australia

Autism in Australia

Why Is This Important? 1) Autism Awareness Month Being Autism Awareness month this April, it is important to understand the prevalence of Autism in Australia. To understand how many people are affected by this illness can help provide better support to individuals with Autism and […]

How can I get the word out that my Daughter is in Need of Financial Help with Medical Bills?

How can I get the word out that my Daughter is in Need of Financial Help with Medical Bills?

We received a question Lynda: “How can I get the word out that my daughter is in need of financial help with medical bills other than it being told by the media? I don\’t have any friends or family that is well off to help […]

Stress Free Fundraising Online

Stress Free Fundraising Online

At People Pledge, we want to help everyday Australians who are struggling to cover medical costs. We provide a stress-free way to fundraise online for any medical expenses you may have or will have in the future to you worry less about the financial burden […]

Parents Pay up to $50,000 a year to Care for Autistic Children

Parents Pay up to $50,000 a year to Care for Autistic Children

This month is Autism Awareness Month and here at People Pledge, we want to highlight the financial burden parents are facing to care for their Autistic children. According to Autism Awareness Australia, an average cost is $30,000 to $50,000 a year. However, the initial early […]

Julia Morris Dealing With Husband’s Rare Breast Cancer

Julia Morris Dealing With Husband’s Rare Breast Cancer

Julia Morris has always been the center of attention when it comes to comedy. Her funny-girl persona and down to earth appeal has lead her to high heights in the entertainment industry, however Julia Morris is now talking seriously about her husband’s diagnosis of a […]

Online Fundraising for Cancer Patients

Online Fundraising for Cancer Patients

According to Cancer Council Australia, it is estimated that there are 124,910 new cases of cancer diagnosed each year. “1 in 2 Australian men and 1 in 3 Australian women will be diagnosed with cancer by the age of 85.” With a high chance of […]

95% of Workplaces Will Include a Wellness Strategy For Employees

95% of Workplaces Will Include a Wellness Strategy For Employees

Australians spend majority of their time working, which is one of the leading causes of stress. The health of employees in Australia is now one of the latest concerns according to the recent 2013 Global Workplace Health & Wellness Report. Australian companies and small workforces […]